Order Collections and Shipping

Absolutely! Our cellar door opening hours for takeaway beer and merchandise sales are the same as our taproom opening hours:

Thu - 3-10 pm

Fri & Sat - 12-10pm

Sun - 12-8pm

Greater Sydney 1-4 days

Australia Wide 3-7 days

There may be further delays that are out of our hands but we are more than happy to hit up our couriers to chase things for you!

Our courier services do not run on weekends. All orders placed after 1pm on Thursday will be despatched the following Monday.

Online Orders and Returns

Sometimes if you try again it will succeed the second time, or please try refreshing and/or trying in a different browser, sometimes Chrome will get it done where Explorer might not.

If all else fails. Get in touch with us on HELLO@WHITEBAY.BEER

Orders are dispatched within 48hrs of when you placed your order, on business days. You will receive a confirmation with tracking information once the package has left our warehouse. If you have not received your tracking information within 48hrs of making a purchase, please feel free to email us at HELLO@WHITEBAY.BEER

Yes, please contact hello@whitebay.beer with your issue and exchange request.

All return requests must be made within 30 days of purchase to be eligible for a refund or exchange.


Contact us at hello@whitebay.beer to book a table today or find out more about hosting your next event with us.

If all else fails

Get in touch with us by emailing hello@whitebay.beer and we will address your issue as quickly as possible.